By Fahim A. Knight-El
I have had tremendous amounts of conversations within the
last five years relative to Ancient Free and Accepted Masons (AF&AM) and
Prince Hall Affiliated Masonry (PHA) squabbles about Masonic legitimacy—in
particular how these two orders were formulated historically and the present
day impact it still has on the relationship of the two distinct Masonic orders
and membership. There are many who believe that AF&AM and Prince Hall
Affiliated Masonry (PHA) need to remain separate and apart, thus, and see no
possibly of reconciliation. I think, if Black AF&AM brothers throughout the
United States continues to do good and exemplify Brotherly love, Friendship and
Morality, it would be just a matter of time, that the two sects Grand lodges
(AF&AM and PHA) in the various cities and states will eventually see the
LIGHT and work together to bring about full recognition. if we as Prince Hall
Masons can grant full Masonic recognition to our white Masonic counterparts
(although up until the last 10-20 years many of them did not reciprocate the
gesture) and still practice intra-discrimination and black racism against their
own black Masonic brothers of the Craft (AF&AM and other black non-Prince
Hall Masonic orders) this; thus, represents the utmost hypocrisy and
contradiction and it serves as proof positive that in deed we have falling
victims to the schemes of self-hatred that were perpetrated some 150 plus years
ago against black people and sadly to say, we are still carrying out their
plans without been told.
But there are others who are open to the possibility of
creating positive dialog and reaching across the isle, in the spirit of acquiring
a unilateral brotherhood that seeks Black Masonic unity. I do feel both sides
of the arguments and as a Prince Hall Mason myself, I share in some of the
grievances that have been waged and whether they are legitimate or not, it must
be determined by each individual, which will require doing their own research
in which to determine whose right and wrong in this Masonic divide. Some time I
am led to believe that this divide is being festered by ego and superego driven
Grand Masters and Masonic jurisdictions who are suspended in time and are
fearful of moving forward from a debate that is over one hundred years old. But
I think it’s often the negative sentiments echoed by PHA zealots that gets more
attention than the sensible and fair minded Prince Hall Masons relative to the
question of Masonic legitimacy and many non-Prince Hall Masons outside of our
order formulate a negative opinion of the entire Prince Hall order because of
this. I have always entered these type dialogs with an open mind. There are radical
and high emotions (which lack rational thinking) on both sides of this issue
and it actually skews the debate and it compromises the effort to understand
one another as brothers.
The question of Masonic "legitimacy" amongst
African American Masonic orders are inextricably tied to the history and
evolution of Prince Hall Freemasonry within the United States of America (being
perhaps the first constituted black Masonic lodge in the United States—1784
viewed as the mother of black Freemasonry in the United States) and it has been
a nemesis to other black Masonic orders that have evolved and were created
after Prince Hall Masonry was established. Many (non-Prince Hall Masons) have
become reactionary to this fact and even deep down inside in some of these groups
minds they perceive themselves as being less than PHA because they have subtly
bought into the propaganda that the only true "regular" body of
recognized black Masons in the United States is the Prince Hall order and
simultaneously this has fed into Prince Hall brothers superego in which has
established this superficial disposition of believing the hype that all other
Black Masonic orders other than PHA is "clandestine".
I think black Masonic unity has to first have an open dialog
and debate on the topic of black Masonic "regularity" in which no
holes are barred. Although, even after such dialog, we still may have to agree
to disagree on some issues, but at least we should recognize those long
standing black non-Prince Hall Masonic orders that have demonstrated a positive
track record and follows the Masonic landmarks. I think mutual recognition
should be established in the name of black Masonic unity, it is imperative that
we consider this in the name of Masonic progress, unless our great grandchildren
will view us as voluntarily carrying out the Willie Lynch Plan.
Let me say right from the gate, I do think there should be
some Masonic criteria and guidelines that are in place to govern the process
that oversees Masonic Grand lodges and subordinate lodges who are seeking to
become duly constituted and chartered/or dispensation Masonic lodges by
ensuring that there is a legitimate affiliation and belonging to some
recognized Grand Body of competent jurisdiction empowering it to work. If not
for some established rules and guideline then any clandestine, bogus, and/or
irregular Masonic entity can pop up with a fictious charter and/or Masonic
renegade group can come in the name of Freemasonry—Ancient Free and Accepted
Masonry or Prince Hall Masonry with ill fated intentions. But we must have a
test instrument to determine the legitimacy of such claims in order to
determine, if you are in deed a "regular" body of Masons or in deed a
“clandestine” organization.
Often one's charter would be the overriding indicator/evidence
of whether or not a Grand Lodge and its subordinate lodges have the right and
authority to function as a "regular" Freemasonic entity. The charter
would give us proof positive of a Grand Lodge Masonic origin, date it was
considered "regular", signatures of Masonic authorization, and
permission to function and disperse legitimate degree work according to our
modern and ancient landmarks. There must be some oversight because many bogus
fly-by-night lodges pop up across the United States in huge numbers every year
proclaiming to be "regular" bodies of Freemasons in which many of
these groups are con groups who are looking to financially capitalize off the
name of Freemasonry by duping those who potentially desire to become Masons.
But somehow ran into, perhaps the wrong group and became victims of Masonic
scams—hustlers and pimps who had no legitimate authorize charter to function as
a Masonic entity, but wrongfully used this powerful knowledge to manipulate the
innocence of gullible potential candidates.
Now, I am for Black Masonic unity and in all of my writings
and articles, I have consistently advocated around this premise and I have
equally espoused that we do not need white or European Masonic Jurisdictions to
be the determining body to declare our Masonic "regularity" such as
the United Grand Lodge of England (UGLE), perhaps the most recognized Masonic
govern body the world-over. Moreover, historically, if a western lodge could
not trace their roots and origin to the UGLE, it would be automatically
declared to be "irregular". Many black non-Prince Hall Masons have
tried to put forth an argument that Prince Hall African Grand Lodge # 459
(originally African Lodge # 1) of Massachusetts was not recognized as a
"regular" body of Masons, although, Prince Hall was granted a charter
in 1784 from its Mother Lodge UGLE in which Prince Hall and fifteen other black
Masons were made Masons at the bequest of a traveling Irish Military lodge and
were raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason.
I think in the early 1990s there were some additional
addendums that solidified the legal aspect of Prince Hall Masonic Order
receiving full recognition from the United Grand Lodge of England (UGLE). I
have never personally recognized the United Grand Lodge of England (UGLE) as
having the authority over African rooted Freemasonry because the Kemetic
(Egyptian) Mystery School system goes much further back than 1717. This has
always been a point of contention between me and other Prince Hall Masons, I
have taken this position because of acquiring the knowledge of self and I see
the black man as the original man in which all knowledge sprung. The ancient
Nubians had established a sophisticated and complicated system of neophyte
initiations long before the Europeans came in contact with this mythical
knowledge. There is no historical doubt in my mind that the origin of the
ancient esoteric, occult and Gnostic wisdom and knowledge goes back to ancient
Kemet (Egypt). It was Africans who gave the world civilization. Our Afrocentric
scholars based on their tireless scholarship have dismantled the half-truths
and outright lies giving to us by Eurocentric Masonic scholars in which most
black Masons have embraced and follow (this behavior is probably a direct
correlation to the affects Chattel slavery had on the psychological development
of black people).
However, I do not think that white Grand Lodges are actually
participating in some grand scheme to keep black Masons divided, but I am of
the opinion that it is ego-driven black Masonic leadership and ignorance that
have driven this divide. Why do not John G. Jones Freemasonic lineage—Ancient
Free and Accepted Masons and Prince Hall Free and Accepted Masons make a
conscious effort to move beyond the artificial barriers that keeps us divided
and come to a binding Masonic resolution geared toward full and complete
recognition based on black Masonic unity? We owe this to Prince Hall and John
G. Jones two Masonic pioneers who preached brotherly love and enlightenment.
There are, perhaps still eleven historical southern
Confederate States within the United States in 2011 that still have not
recognized Prince Hall Grand Lodges as a ”regular” body of Masons and for over
200 years has viewed Prince Hall Masons as a body of clandestine Masons (their
position represents the epitome of racism). For example, in North Carolina the
Masonic jurisdiction in which I hail under, it was not until 2008, that the
White Ancient Free and Accepted Masons extended full Masonic recognition to
Prince Hall Masons. These Negroes were cheering and celebrating that their
ex-slave master’s children having finally recognized them as full and complete
Masons (these Negroes attended a Masonic luncheon in Raleigh, North Carolina
hosted by the white AF&AM order—they were laughing and scratching where
they did not itch and somehow white Masons felt vindicated after practicing 200
years of discrimination and racism). The Negro Masons felt whole that the white
Masons of North Carolina finally curtailed their racist behavior and extended
an olive branch of full Masonic recognition to their black Masonic counterpart.
I did not give a damn about the decision and did not attend the official
recognition ceremony because it was sicken to think that we needed white
Masonic approval to justify our present and historical existence as a body of
African American Masons.
I think many astute readers that have interest in this
topic, perhaps already know Prince Hall Masonic version of John G. Jones being
a former suspended PHA Mason who left the organization not in good standings
and it has been this historical controversial that has spewed debates on both
sides of whether or not Brother Jones' present day Masonic lineage should be
considered "regular' or 'irregular' relative to his Masonic claims of
yesterday. I have had many discussions with AF&AM brothers about this
historical controversial and often from the Prince Hall perspective, it is
maintained that Brother John G. Jones did not have an official charter decreed
upon him by an official Masonic entity. Now, this is where it gets a little
sticky, in particular for us African American Masons who ancestors arrived to
the Americas as captives and prisoners of war. We look for Caucasian
Masonry—the United Grand Lodge of England (UGLE) as the official legitimate
Masonic body who so-called has the determining authority to declare what
Masonic bodies would be consider "clandestine" and
This is atypical behavior of the Mis-Education of the Negro,
as Dr. Carter G. Woodson defined this type of thinking back in 1933. We do not
consider ourselves to be 'official' or 'legitimate' unless we have the approval
and sanction of white folk (a condition of mental slavery). So as a Prince Hall
Mason, I would argue that Brother John G. Jones had every right to exercise a
sovereign mind and establish his own AF&AM organization outside of white
approval and/or even PHA black approval. Some AF&AM have sought to make the
claim that John G. Jones received a charter form Romania, however I do not
think there is any credible documentation that proves that Jones received a
Masonic charter from Romania or any other European Nation. He was a high
ranking Prince Hall Masonic official from the state of Illinois who had
acquired all the knowledge from all the Masonic Houses both practical and
philosophical and knew how to set-up and structure a Masonic organization and
he did just that.
But here is my argument, the Europeans stole and corrupted
this ancient knowledge from Kemet (ancient Egypt) and I maintain that it's
insane for us to be looking for some white (Romania) or British (UGLE) Masonic
entities to validate our Masonic reality. This knowledge belongs to the Black
man and whether you are AF&AM or PHA, it is our duty to reclaim what's
rightfully ours. My brothers, I have written so many articles designed to teach
all my Masonic brothers to look beyond the lies and distortions of western
Freemasonry. In the early 1900s Caucasian Masons took Prince Hall Masons and
Shriners to court claiming that Prince Hall Masonry was 'clandestine' "
... the White Masonic Order lost their legal battle to the Black Masons and on
June 23, 1929, the United States Supreme Court handed down the decision that
guaranteed that Prince Hall Masons and Shriners had all the rights as a fraternity
to appear in public and in private to practice the time honored traditions of
Lastly, I have had some very spirited debates on aspects of
Speculative Freemasonry with some Ancient Free and Accepted Freemasons (AF&AM)
and about the history and origin of African American (Black) Masonry in the
United States. I do agree whole heartily with brother Ralph McNeal and Brother
Ezekiel M. Bey, Grand Historian of the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge
of New York and other prominent Prince Hall officials of the Phylaxis Society
who exposes many of these Bogus Freemasonic organizations on their website. But
I have come to respect some of the positions of black AF&AM due mainly
through my independent research and dialog with Worshipful Master brother
Joseph Ferguson of King Solomon Lodge #514 (AF& AM) in Dallas, Texas who
has been more than willing to openly share the black AF&AM perspective with
me and I have learned a lot from our many dialogs about this non-Prince Hall Masonic
order. Brother Ferguson has also been open to constructive criticism coming
from me—but I never tried to belittle the Masonic organization that he chose. I
see him nothing short of a Masonic brother that has been tried, never denied
and ready to be tried again (I see and accept him as a brother Mason). Yet, I
do not speak for all of Prince Hall Masons (I am representing my views as an
individual) nor do I speak for the Phylaxis Society—there are many hardliners
who will have nothing to do with a non-Prince Hall Mason or accept the legality
of their Masonic claims to them they will always be a clandestine organization.
I have also had a number of conversations whereas a brother
has joined an AF&AM lodge and after joining has felt that he was duped. There
are some instances in which a potential brother knocked (or asked one to be
one) some Masonic orders do not give them the full and complete history of
their Masonic order. I see John G. Jones as one of the pioneers of Ancient Free
and Accepted Masonry (AF&AM), but the fact of the matter is that he was an
expelled Prince Hall Mason from Illinois jurisdiction; I do my best to stay
away from which Masonic orders should be deemed "clandestine" and
"irregular" because of the sensitivity of the subject and I do not
think Prince Hall Free and Accepted Masons should place themselves as the
official overseers of Black Freemasonry within the United States and have
taking the role to determine who will be considered a "regular" body
of Masons.
Brother John G. Jones played a huge role in establishing the
Ancient Egyptian Arabic Order Nobles of the Mystic Shrine and as 32nd (Scottish
Rite) degree and Knights Templar (York Rite) degree members petition the
Shrine, Jones' history is taught within this degree. However, North Carolina
Prince Hall Code book states that all Masonic houses above the Blue Lodge is
considered appendix and auxiliary bodies (no higher than the Master Mason
Degree, but lateral degrees), which further translate to mean that unless a
Mason is in good standings (this includes but not limited to being suspended
and/or Masonic excommunicated) in the Blue Lodge no other Masonic house can be
officially validated.
If a Shriner has not met his financial requirements or
obligation in the Blue House (by not being in good standings) then this
automatically affects his standings in all the above appendix and auxiliary
bodies. So one could reason why and how, this contradiction has taking place
with Brother John G. Jones being denied acceptability in the Blue House and at
the same time revered and respected in the Shrine (these two Masonic bodies are
totally separate).
Now, if the Prince Hall Shriners have reconciled the History
of Brother John G. Jones in the Shrine (he established the black Shrine degree
as it was organized under the Ancient Egyptian Arabic Order Nobles of the
Mystic Shrine. However, most learned Prince Hall Masons attributes the Shrine
theory to Ali Rofelt Pasha prior to its official establishment in 1893) and if
this history is being taught in the Shrine Temples; it becomes a big historical
contradiction that needs to be rectified and amended by Prince Hall Masonry on
all levels relative to them passing a Masonic resolution and going back over
100 years later and exonerating and expunging Brother John G. Jones of all the
charges levied against him and work to heal the divided Masonic family. This
would be a great step in atonement and reconciliation of the Black Masonic
Family. I think members of the black Ancient Free and Accepted Masons (AF&AM)
need to propose to the Prince Hall Grand Lodges that Brother Jones be pardoned
of any perceived wrongdoings and lets work to remove all the negative stigmas
that are hindering Masonic unity. I also, would like to see AF&AM giving an
option to be invited back into the fold of Prince Hall Masonry and/or remain
sovereign, independent and separate, but each order is given full and complete
recognition one to the other.
However, If I am in distress and I am forced to give the
Grand Hail sign and to whisper the word in a low tone, it would not matter to
me if an AF&AM brother or PHA brother came to my rescue and nor will I be
asking what Masonic affiliation do they belong (or question their race and
nationality). I would be saying praise the lord that there were some help that
came to the poor widow’s son. This internal disputes often becomes null-in-void
when distress is knocking at our door. The more this system collapses upon
itself, it is going to require us to look more to one another for assistance and
we were taught that you should be able to recognize a brother in darkness as
well as in LIGHT; this recognition gives us a true clue to what our Masonic
disposition should be and how we have falling victims to the artificial
Yet, I do believe as I have stated above, that we all have a
duty and responsibility to defend Freemasonry from fly by night clandestine
groups who do not possess a charter or dispensation from some legitimate grand
body empowering it to work. I advocate that brothers do their due diligence and
homework prior to joining a Masonic order and become fully informed about their
history and to make sure they possess a recognized legal charter.
I always advise newly raised brothers to view the Master
Mason degree as a stepping stone to even higher knowledge and do not view the
3rd degree of having obtained all the knowledge that one need. Speculative
Masonry is a huge field and often we do not continue to delve into all the
esoteric, occult and Gnostic knowledge associated with working towards
understanding Freemasonry from the various inter-connective links after we are
raised from a dead level to a living perpendicular on the Square (what a
mistake of great magnitude). I advise that each newly brother acquire a Masonic
Library and find like minds in the lodge and start a study group who would be
interested in being a part of a highly charged Cipher who seek to investigate
the history, ritual, symbolism, relics, etc., of ancient and modern
Freemasonry. Freemasonry is not a religious organization in which we should
freely investigate how Islam and the Holy Qur'an is associated with Masonry,
each degree that you attained was rooted in a Biblical scripture and the
symbolic allegory is what gives meaning to the functionality of the Craft (For
example signs, tokens and words).
Also, as newly raised Brother Masons, I advise that they
remember the new name that they were giving during the Entered Apprentice
Degree which was Caution—I advise that until one fully understands the role
that the Compass and Square plays as Operative Tools and how we use them for
the more noble and glorious purposes in Speculative Masonry that they should
continue to wear the new name of Caution. Masonry is not a sprint, but is a
travel (marathon) that will continue to evolve with age, experience and a
willingness to seek external knowledge. Lastly, I believe that Freemasonry had
it's origins in Kemet (Ancient Egypt) and that it was the Nubians who
introduced civilization to Europe and the entire world. Please do not take my
word, but do your own independent research. So Mote it Be.
Fahim A. Knight-El Chief Researcher for KEEPING IT REAL
THINK TANK located in Durham, NC; our mission is to inform African Americans
and all people of goodwill, of the pending dangers that lie ahead; as well as
decode the symbolism and reinterpreted the hidden meanings behind those who
operate as invisible forces, but covertly rules the world. We are of the belief
that an enlightened world will be better prepared to throw off the shackles of
ignorance and not be willing participants for the slaughter. Our MOTTO is
speaking truth to power.
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